Willi Goossen
Willi Goossen joined Caring.com in April 2019 as Chief Financial Officer (CFO), serving at the helm of Caring’s finance and accounting departments.
Previously, he was head of strategy, finance, operations and business transformation at CompuCom, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Office Depot. He’s also held financial leadership positions at Mercedes-Benz and Daimler, as well as analyst and consulting positions at FCA – North America and Auto Posto Avenida das Araucárias. A native of Brazil, he’s worked on 4 continents and speaks 4 languages. He now resides in North Carolina. He holds a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University.
Caring for an elderly family member often requires teamwork. Willi was first exposed to in-home care back in 2012 when his father had a severe stroke. As a long-distance caregiver, Willi helped his family with emotional support and occasional respite to the primary caregiver.